Mother Earth just shared a lovely funny story about gardening with kids – Meanwhile, I’m having a terrible time picking *one* thing to write about – and then writing it!

Right now, it’s time for me to go to work! (Actually should have left 2 5 minutes ago!)  Bye!


(Broken link updated so it works again! 11-21-2011)

(Resisting the urge to Edit and Rewrite and Embellish the hell out of this, just because “I’m so much better at this blogging thing now”! The point of Archives, in my world anyway, is to have a record of where you’ve been and what you’ve done. If I change it now, that record’s gone forever. -ish.)

5 Responses to “A Quick Little “Cheat” ~”

  1. Mother Earth Says:

    you crack me up Karen, glad to see that you are musing accordingly…if you wrote about why curves and angles as the title of your blog – it might make for a very wonderful “about” piece

    Thanks for the mention !

  2. Karen Says:

    That’s a GREAT idea! I’ll put it in my “BlogFodder” file ~ Don’t let me forget about, though, okay? That folder is already bulging at the seams!

    *This* was supposed to be a “new post”, not a “new page”, but I’m glad you found it.

    Sleep Well!

  3. Shelli Says:

    you crack me up Karen, glad to see that you are musing accordingly…if you wrote about why curves and angles as the title of your blog – it might make for a very wonderful “about” piece

  4. Blog Fodder File – LOVE THAT. Much more fun than my “ideas” file. I’m gonna borrow that one! XOXOX

    1. Karen Says:

      Sure ~ have fun with it!

      Oh, and do be sure you *actually* dip into that file more often than **cough** I do! 😉

Let's talk!